
Сцени од Сингапур кои го одземаат здивот: Симфонија на мирот и љубовта

Сцени од Сингапур кои го одземаат здивот: Симфонија на мирот и љубовта

Фотографот Томас Чери одлучил своето незаборавно искуство кое го доживеал во Сингапур, да го сподели на својата веб-страница.

Чери престојувал неколку недели во Сингапур, каде успеал да фотографира дел од градбите и местата кои го одземаат здивот. Вселенскиот брод кој се наоѓа на врвот на хотелот “Marina Bay” е нешто што посебно го воодушевило фотографот. Тој вели дека тоа е всушност најистакнатиот израз на човековата креативност во цел Сингапур.


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The Spaceship II. Twilight is those precious twenty minutes of the day when the Ultimate Creator is intensely playing with colours and creates a perfectly harmonious, adamantly vibrant symphony of reality. I am deeply fascinated by the “Spaceship” on the top of Marina Bay hotel – it definitely is the most prominent expression of human creativity in the whole of Singapore. Welcome to the Symphony of Twilight. . . #marinabaysands #marinabay #marinabaysandshotel #skyparksingapore #marinabaysingapore #marinabaysandspool #marinabaysandsskypark #marinabaysandhotel #marinabaysandshotelsingapore #singaporeskyline #dronesingapore #singapore?? #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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“Доколку некогаш имате прилика да отпатувате за Синапур, ќе уживате и во островот Кепел и прекрасните облакодери. Некои од фотографиите ги направив пред бура бидејќи небото тогаш е најубаво. Кога доаѓа време за спиење, енергијата на ноќта се буди. Светлата блескаат, облакодерите се осветлени, а улиците стануваат посветли”, вели Томас.


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THE AWAKENING. As people are preparing to sleep, the Energy of the Night is awakening. Lights are flashing up, skyscrapers get illuminated, streets become brighter – it’s the Divine Play between Day and Night. In tropical countries, I have just twenty minutes to get this shot right, because the sun is going down much quicker than in the North. Feeling this scarcity of time, I get excited and thrilled – and it gives a perfect reason for yet another conversation with the Ultimate Creator. . . #downtownsingapore #singaporeskyline #singaporeskyscrapers #singaporenight #singaporebynight #singaporecity #singaporecitylights #clarkequay #boatquay #dronesingapore #singapore?? #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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Во Сингапур живеат пет милиони луѓе и секогаш нешто се случува. Луѓето се забавуваат во скапите хотели, возат глисери, стотици бродови пренесуваат товар, стотици облакодери се исполнети со луѓе кои работат за да ги остварат своите соништа. Исто така, плажата е оддалечена само 20 минути од кое и место да се наоѓате бидејќи има многу острови, што е голем благослов за Сингапурците кои сакаат да се опуштат и да побегнат од градската врева.

Островот Сентоса е совршено бегство за секој кој сака време само за себе, да се опушти во срцето на природата. Чери вели дека ова место е чиста симфонија на мирот и љубовта.


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THE SENTOSA. I was always fascinated that in such a busy city as Singapore you’re always just 20min away from the beach. Singapore has plenty of islands – it’s a great blessing for Singaporeans who want to relax and escape from the hustle of the city. After all, Singapore is not that small and it has almost everything that your heart desires. #sentosa #sentosaisland #singaporeisland #sentosabeach #beforestorm #beforethestorm #beforerain #beforetherain #singaporeskyline #dronesingapore #singapore?? #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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PLAYFULNESS. Five million people live in Singapore. There’s always something happening: people having fun in Sentosa, riding their speedboats, hundreds of ships carrying their cargo, hundreds of skyscrapers filled with people working hard to achieve their dreams… Once you rise above and transcend this reality – you start to see the actuality, which is the Divine Playfulness. . . #sentosa #sentosaisland #sentosaislandsingapore #singaporeisland #singaporeskyline #dronesingapore #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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THE AWAKENING II. As people are preparing to sleep, the Energy of the Night is awakening. Lights are flashing up, skyscrapers get illuminated, streets become brighter – it’s the Divine Play between Day and Night. In tropical countries, I have just twenty minutes to get this shot right, because the sun is going down much quicker than in the North. Feeling this scarcity of time, I get excited and thrilled – and it gives a perfect reason for yet another conversation with the Ultimate Creator. I do believe that the Marina Bay area is the finest expression of what humans are capable of achieving, through the guidance of the Divine. . . #singaporeskyline #dronesingapore #singapore?? #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #marinabaysands #marinabay #skypark #marinabaysand #marinabaysandshotel #marinabaypool #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #twilight #twilightphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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Joie De Vivre, Lah. The joy of life, the joy of flying, the joy of living in the most forward-thinking country of the world… Joy – like other feelings – is a matter of perception. When you connect to the Ultimate Creator and ask for joyful experiences – they are revealed in the most unexpected ways. . . #marinabaysands #gardensbythebay #gardensbythebaysingapore #singaporeskyline #skywheel #citypark #cityparks #greenery #joyoflife #singaporeskyline #dronesingapore #singapore?? #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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Twilight is those precious twenty minutes of the day when the Ultimate Creator is intensely playing with colours and creates a perfectly harmonious, adamantly vibrant symphony of reality. I am deeply fascinated by the “Spaceship” on the top of Marina Bay hotel – it definitely is the most prominent expression of human creativity in the whole of Singapore. Welcome to the Symphony of Twilight. . . #singaporeskyline #dronesingapore #singapore?? #singapore #singaporean #singaporeair #singaporetravel #singaporephotography #discoversingapore #marinabaysands #marinabay #skypark #marinabaysand #marinabaysandshotel #marinabaypool #droneart #dronefineart #fineartphotography #twilight #twilightphotography #cityscapephotography #cityscapes #cherry_tomas #dronepic #dronephotos #droneshots #dronestagram

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