Радио Милева

Еве што Кејт Мидлтон секогаш носи во својата торба

Еве што Кејт Мидлтон секогаш носи во својата торба

Секоја жена има по една или две торби. Освен тоа што се убави, тие се и практични бидејќи во нив можат да се стават работи кои се потребни, како што се: телефон, паричник, шминка.

Кога се однесува до Кејт Мидлтон еве што секогаш имаа во својата торба.


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My personal top favourite outfits The Duchess of Cambridge has worn. A follower recently asked me to post the outfits Kate has worn as a duchess that I have loved the most — which is a near impossible task! But after a lot of consideration, my top picks are shown above. One of the main reasons I enjoy keeping up with The Duchess is because of her fashion choices. I have always adored the classic, elegant outfits from the 40s, 50s, and 60s, and while we do not see much of the Jackie Kennedy-style of fashion these days, I enjoy seeing a slightly more modernised version through Kate’s outfits. I also love how she puts so much thought into her outfits, from her sartorial choices that pay tribute to a cause or country, or championing homegrown talent at home and abroad. I couldn’t choose just one outfit, so I chose 30 ? I’m curious to know if there is an outfit of Kate’s that stands out in your mind as being your favourite? Let me know! ?

A post shared by HRH The Duchess of Cambridge (@katemidleton) on

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